Technical follow-up mems

OTR Line

Improving your efficiency
like never before

MEMS4 is a real-time monitoring system for tire pressure, temperature and operating conditions. It features a geolocation system and accelerometers to create a complete tire monitoring platform for mining operations.

    The benefits of MEMS4 as TPMS are:

    • Avoid tire losses due to high T° and reduce stops for P" and T" checks.
    • Reduce field inspections and equipment shutdowns; pressure inspections only for present alarms and corrections on specific equipment and positions (Inspection on demand).
    • Decrease unsafe conditions (operator and operation);
    • Decrease the risk of accidents in the operation; the operator will not approach the trucks when they have T and/or P that could be risky.
    • Reduce tire losses.
    • Improve tire performance.
    • Decrease unproductive times.
    • Anticipate the diagnosis of failures due to thermal and mechanical separations.

      • Did you know?

        The life of a tire under-inflated by 1 bar decreases its performance by 20%.

      • MEMS° Evolution 4 is the only one that records the serial information of each tire.

        How does it work?

          Did you know?

          • Easy to install
            and maintenance

            • New easy-to-wire, more robust antennas
            • Web-based application requires no software installation on the customer's laptop computer
            • Interface facilitates on-site maintenance (remote diagnostics, automatic diagnostics, remote fireware update...)
            • Maintains historical tire data when migrating from MEMS
            • rombo-otr-tecnico-mems-beneficios-horas-hombre 0
            • Improved efficiency
              business efficiency

              • Comprehensive graph library (27 reports).
              • Custom dashboard: create your own report.
              • Easy-to-export data for deeper analysis.
              • Root cause analysis per tire.
              • Report available for each department: Dispatch, Tyre shop, Truck shop, Engineering.
              • rombo-otr-tecnico-mems-beneficios-potencia-productividad 1

              Software support
              is much simpler
              and less invasive:

              • No se necesita hacer un ODBC para cada pc que necesita el mcc (centro de control MEMS en tiempo real).
              • Se puede ingresar con un ip a un navegador que este dentro de la red minera desde una PC, laptop.
              • Los neumáticos Michelin vienen con TAG RFID incorporado, los sensores con bar code; para un mejor y más fácil registro de componentes, además reduce tiempo de escritorio de los encargados.
              • El nuevo PDA capta, registra y envía al sistema los datos de los neumáticos y sensores sin necesidad de copiarlo manualmente en el sistema.

                Highly reliable sensors in harsh environments

                MEMS 4 guarantees:

                • Each tire is monitored from its first mounting until it is discarded.
                • A permanent signal
                • Accurate pressure and temperature readings for the life of the sensor.
                • No sensor re-calibration required
                • Designed to withstand liquids
                • Intelligent pressure algorithm takes seasonal temperatures into account

                    Powerful support included

                    Strong network dedicated
                    to help you succeed with MEMS 4

                    • First installation: on-site training and coaching to make your team fully autonomous (heavy equipment technicians, tire fitters, IS/IT technicians, dispatchers, controllers...).
                    • Configuration of alarm parameters: initialization and periodic updating.
                    • Daily use: troubleshooting, maintenance support, spare parts supply, system updates management, system quality reports.

                      Process of our support

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                        We are here to help our clients and find the best solution.